Haggling on Christmas Utopia a Team Santa Inc. Website
Thank you for your interest in haggling on Christmas Utopia, a Team Santa Inc. holiday website. It's no secret that prices are sky high for everything, money's tight and the US economy is in the tank. It's entirely reasonable for people to want a good/fair deal. It's simple human nature. Plus, money doesn't go as far as it used to. Well, at Christmas Utopia our priceds are never etched in stone. rule,
Please always remember to submit your haggle offers via email to support@teamsanta.com or text to 973-933-6131. We're sorry, but haggling is not available over the phone. Additionally, our Haggle program cannot be combined with any other offer(s). Except for FREE shipping. Your shipping is always FREE at $75.
Minimum Haggle Offer is $100
Team Santa Inc. is sharpening our pencils in an effort to offer you some incredible discounts. If this is your first time on the Christmas Utopia website, then you might want to continue to read this page. We offer you instructions on the topic of haggling on the Christmas Utopia website. There is also some tidbits of information about how the haggling process works on the website.
The process behind haggling on any of the Team Santa Inc. websites, is always the same. If you see something you want to purchase, don't be afraid to speak up and present your $$ offer to support@teamsanta.com. Please note: The minimum haggle offer is always $100. We do not haggle on offers less than $100. To submit a haggle request, please read the information below
Please SUBMIT the following information via email or text:
• Item Number
• Product Name
• Quantity Requested
• Haggle Offer
• Date needed
Important: Shipping Location
• Your delivery location MUST be included when submitting a Haggle request.
A Team Santa Inc. representative will be in touch promptly, to determine if we can "accept your offer", "counter your offer" or "reject your offer". Once again, haggling is available via email and text, but not on the phone. Coupons and other discounts cannot be combined with haggling. Orders negotiated through the haggle process are non-refundable and can only be cancelled for web site credit of the agreed upon, order dollar total.
For informational purposes, haggling dates back thousands of years and is a synonym for the word "trading". Many people have learned to enjoy the opportunity to wheel and deal, to save time and money. It's human nature to haggle and it can be a lot of fun too. Therefore, it would seem reasonable to expect after the past 15 years of economic decline, and an economy in the toilet, the process of haggling obviously would further gain in popularity.
We Want to Make A Deal with You! So, What's Next?
We invite you to haggle at any time with Team Santa Inc. on the Christmas Utopia website. Please also tell your family and friends about the Team Santa Inc. haggle programs. There are so many people out there who enjoy haggling and not many online stores are willing to go out of their way to do it. Together, we can spread massive savings all over the world! Submit your offers via email or text to to support@teamsanta.com or 973-933-6131.
It is very important to remember that for a deal to be a good deal it must be a good deal for all the parties involved. One-sided deals are not good deals. Only when all the parties agree to the deal and are satisfied with the terms of the deal, can it truly be called a "good deal".
Good Luck! We sincerely appreciate your interest in this program. Have a wonderful holiday season everyone and Merry Christmas.
Warmest Regards,
Team Santa Inc.